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Lightning Animations (492 videos)


General --October is the middle month of meteorological autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. --The major islands and land areas of tropical Southeast Asia have daily thunderstorms in sea breezes and along mountain slopes; they tend to move slowly from east to west. --Most thunderstorms at higher latitudes move from west to east. --Over the Indian subcontinent, lightning is more frequent to the south than elsewhere. --The equatorial trough, the Intertropical Convergence Zone, is not usually identifiable over the Indian and Western Pacific Oceans. --Over Australia, most lightning is in large organized systems moving from west to east. ~Ron Holle

Nov 2, 2018 Webmaster Archive

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Specific --08 to 11 October: Tropical Cyclone Luban moves from the ESE to WNW in the Arabian Sea east of Yemen. --09 to 11 October: Tropical Cyclone Titli moves from the SE to NW in the Bay of Bengal to the SE of India. --10 to 16 October: Typhoon Kong-Rey moves from E to W across the northern Philippines toward Japan. --21 to 31 October: Super Typhoon Yutu moves from SE to NW to the east, then across the northern Philippines. It has a well-defined center with circular outer bands from the 24th to 26th. ~Ron Holle

Nov 8, 2018 12:27:14 AM Dave Fincher