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Lightning Animations (492 videos)


General --July is the middle month of meteorological summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and of winter in the Southern Hemisphere. --By tracking the latest hours in white, the overhead sun can be seen moving east to west on a daily basis. --Thunderstorms travel west to east over the middle and higher latitudes in both hemispheres, and move slowly from varying directions in the tropics. ~Ron Holle

Aug 2, 2018 Webmaster Archive

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Northern Hemisphere --July lightning over the U.S. and Europe occurs in both large and small systems, clusters, and lines across all of the country. --Unusually large lightning outbreak over the U.K. in late July. --Eastern Alaska, Western Canada, China, and Russia have frequent lightning during July. --Over India, there is widespread lightning over the north and east, and less to the south and west. --Central America, Cuba, Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, and Mexico have daily lightning during most of the month. ~Ron Holle

Aug 2, 2018 11:50:27 PM Dave Fincher

Tropics --Nearly all of the lightning over Africa in July is north of the equator. --South American tropical lightning is mostly north of 5 degrees south latitude in July. --The major islands and land areas of tropical Southeast Asia and the Americas have daily thunderstorms. --Every few days in July, a squall line develops near Ethiopia and moves westward to the west coast of Africa. --The equatorial trough, the Intertropical Convergence Zone, is very weak in July except off the west coast of Mexico. ~Ron Holle

Aug 2, 2018 11:50:43 PM Dave Fincher

Southern Hemisphere --A series of organized lightning-producing systems travel the southern oceans from west to east during July. --Minimal lightning occurs over the Andes; only a few storms initiate over Uruguay in July. --Australia and New Zealand lightning is primarily to the south in July. ~Ron Holle

Aug 2, 2018 11:50:55 PM Dave Fincher

Specific --02 to 06 July: Hurricane Fabio moves east to west to the south of Mexico’s west coast. --03 to 08 July: Large systems move from the west over South Pacific and South Atlantic Oceans. --06-09 July: Tropical Cyclone Maria moves east to west to the east of Taiwan. --07 to 10 July: Thunderstorms form to the lee of the Canadian Rockies and travel to the east coast. --15 to 19 July: Clusters of thunderstorms move from east to west over western Russia toward Poland. --17 to 19 and 28 to 30 July: Squall lines/tropical waves extend northward into Mali and Mauritania. --21 and 26 July: Extremely long lines of thunderstorms move rapidly from north coast of Scandinavia to Novaya Zemlya. --24 to 27 July: Cyclonic circulation persists over the region including the western Black Sea. --28 to 29 July: Lines of thunderstorms travel south to north across the U.K. ~Ron Holle

Aug 2, 2018 11:51:05 PM Dave Fincher