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New Foundation to Support Work for Mental Health at Lapinlahti Area

Posted on: June 12, 2020||||

MIELI Mental Health Finland ry and Associations Pro Lapinlahti mielenterveysseura ry, as well as Dream Broker Ltd, a Finnish growth company in software business, are going to set up a foundation with other interested parties to support activities contributing to mental health work at Lapinlahti area, which is cultural-historically important area in Helsinki. The foundation wants to honour the architectural and cultural history of Lapinlahti and the values of its natural surroundings. The aim is to secure the future of the Lapinlahti area and its historical hospital. Meanwhile, the foundation will enable preservation of the hospital building complex for future generations by restoring the buildings and further developing the area into lively and active centre of mental health.

“Non-governmental organisations, individuals, professionals from different fields and cultural practitioners have put valuable efforts to foster the Lapinlahti area and to support mental health. It is an honour for us to declare that we will protect this valuable work. Our company is committed to support the foundation financially, to take a long-term role in it and lead the fundraising”,
says Mika Ahokas, the CEO of Dream Broker Ltd.

One element on the background for setting up the foundation is the increasing concern of the rapid growth of mental health issues. In May this year, UN warned about the potential mental health crisis caused by the pandemic.

Currently, 70 companies, 20 organisations and 90 independent artists and researchers are operating at the Lapinlahti area. “A number of people have conducted very valuable work towards Lapinlahti 360 project and to support mental health. We are glad to state that Dream Broker as a private company has pledged to take significant responsibility to enable this work financially”, says Kristian Wahlbeck, Director of Development of MIELI Mental Health Finland.

Also new partners are warmly welcome to join both the foundation to be established and also to develop Lapinlahti and secure the future of the area.

”With the cooperation we want to secure the future of Lapinlahti and preserve the cultural-historically valuable area as a source of culture and mental well-being which is open for all citizens, as well as to engage in even broader work to support well-being”,
states Pentti Arajärvi, Chairman of Pro Lapinlahti ry.

”Dream Broker wants to be an example in encouraging everyone to take part in supporting the work for mental health, for example, by helping in the fundraising of the new foundation. Even a small action can have a major impact on mental health. We will approach actively actors from different fields to whom Lapinlahti and mental health could be matters of the heart”,
says Mika Ahokas, CEO of Dream Broker Ltd.

Additional information:
Chairman of the Board, Mika Ahokas, Dream Broker Ltd, Tel. +358 40 583 7782, mika.ahokas(a)dreambroker.fi
Development Director Kristian Wahlbeck, MIELI Mental Health Finland, Tel. +358 400 659 101, kristian.wahlbeck(a)mieli.fi
Chairman Pentti Arajärvi, Pro Lapinlahti mielenterveysseura ry, pentti.arajarvi(a)iki.fi

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