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Dream Broker launches the first PLAY events in fall 2016

Posted on: September 8, 2016||

Dream Broker has now launched the first PLAY events in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark.

Discover how well known brands like Fiskars, Sonera, EY, Würth, and Boots have taken their communication to the next level with the use of online video. Enjoy a delicious breakfast while networking with some of the forerunners in digital communication.The Event Concept:

By combining learning, interactive discussions and networking, PLAY offers a truly inspiring start to your working day. The event is held in the middle of the week on a Wednesday or Thursday at a prestigious venue in the city centre, starting from 8:00 in the morning and finishing at 11.00.

Dream Broker has chosen three digital pioneers from each Nordic country to share their stories of how they went from beginners to Dream Broker ‘PLAYERS’. They will reveal the success factors needed in becoming forerunners within communication and how they got the rest of the organisation on board as well.

Participation is free of charge for invited guests and will always be held in the local languages of Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish.

The PLAY tour around the Nordics:

Thursday 13.10.2016 at 8.00 – 11.00

Fotografiska Museet, Stockholm, Sweden

Around a hundred business professionals representing Sweden’s biggest organisations will gather at Fotografiska Museet by the harbour in Stockholm. Our speakers include:

  • Tobias Backström, Competence Development, Ahlsell
  • Annica Strahner, Digital Editor & Communications Manager, Transcom

More information can be found from the event’s sign-up page.

Wednesday 19.10.2016 at 8.00 – 11.00

Astrup Fearnley Museet Oslo, Norway,

In collaboration with the modern art museum Astrup Fearnley, PLAY offers a modern twist to the Breakfast seminar with full access and a guided tour of the work to any art enthusiasts after the event.

  • Petter Adde, Head of Channel Sales, Conecto
  • Grete Meyer, Avdeling for fag og kompetanseutvikling & Stian Kløfta, Viseadministrerende direktør, Krogsveen
  • Gunstein Hovland, Experienced Operations Director, Boots

More information can be found from the event’s sign-up page.

Wednesday 26.10.2016 at 8.00 – 11.00

Musiikkitalo, Helsinki, Finland,

This is by far the biggest event of the year, giving the spotlight to the following three PLAYERS:

  • Elina Marttinen, Competence Development Manager, Sonera
  • Robert Salvén, Digital Communications Manager, Fiskars
  • Mikko Mattinen, Communications Director, Vero

The event will be hosted at the beautiful concert hall, Musiikitalo, with a limited number of seats. We recommend that you sign up soon.

Wednesday 2.11.2016 at 8.00 – 11.00

SKT Petri Hotel, Copenhagen, Denmark,

The newly renovated and elegantly furnished Design Hotel opens its doors to professionals looking to be inspired by Dream Broker users:

  • Martin Kremmer, Change Management Lead, EY
  • Maria Wittendorf, Project Manager Communication, Guldborgsund Kommune
  • Donny Holm, Strategic Project Manager, Würth

More information can be found from the sign-up page.