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Lapinlahti Foundation successfully launched

Posted on: May 22, 2023||


“The Lapinlahti Foundation was launched at a support concert held in Tavastia at the end of April. All proceeds of the concert went directly to the activities of the foundation that promotes mental health and represents the cultural community of Lapinlahti.”
– Töölöläinen newspaper, Sunday, 7th of May

Dream Broker is proud of the successful concert and the launch of the Lapinlahti Foundation. The company would like to thank everyone who participated and supported the event.

As one of the members in the foundation, Dream Broker believes it is important to promote visibility of the cause to preserve the cultural and historical importance of Lapinlahti. The company aims to protect one of the world’s oldest hospitals, and at the same time promote mental health work in support of the company’s values.

“All funds raised from the support concert went directly to the foundation, but credit for organising the concert goes to the operators of the Lapinlahti area, whose management team includes the area’s current tenants. They wanted to donate all proceeds of the concert to the foundation to create opportunities, continue activities, and be a viable alternative to the city of Helsinki.”
– Mika Ahokas, CEO, Dream Broker

Dream Broker will also be a key financier of the Lapinlahti Foundation and project. The company is committed to match the financial investments of the other members of the foundation combined. There are a total of six founders in the Lapinlahti Foundation, which includes Ahokas, and all have equal voting rights.

The Lapinlahti Hospital also served as a specialist training hospital for psychiatry in Finland between 1960 to 1990. One of these doctors who was trained at Lapinlahti Hospital, Hannu Naukkarinen, currently works as an advisor for Dream Broker.

Full article featured in local Helsinki newspaper Töölöläinen(in Finnish): https://kabinetti.kosila.fi/#/reader/967917c8-eb0d-11ed-8640-00155d64030a

The same article will be published on Friday, 19th of May, in the Kamppi-Eira local newspaper.

Local newspapers in Helsinki: https://www.paikallislehdet.com/

Photo credit: Juha Laitalainen

Additional Information:

CEO, Mika Ahokas, Dream Broker Ltd, mika.ahokas@dreambroker.fi

PR & Communications: Alexandra Taimitarha, Dream Broker Ltd, Tel. +358 40 410 8188, alexandra.taimitarha@dreambroker.fi