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Two Dream Broker Customer Events are Coming up to Support the Video use in Swedish and Norwegian Businesses

Posted on: November 19, 2014||

Dream Broker organises customer events in Sweden and Norway on 25th and 27th November. In the events, the existing customers of Dream Broker tell how their organisations have benefited from using Dream Broker Studio and online videos created, edited and shared with it. Alongside the inspiring presentations a breakfast buffet will be served in the most stylish venues in Stockholm and Oslo.

The agendas and themes of the events are as follows.

Stockholm, Nov 25th 2014

The event is held in Swedish with the theme of “Hur online video används strategiskt för att uppnå ökade konkurrensfördelar!” or in English “How to use online video in building competitive advantage”.

The event is at Operaterassen and there will be approximately 120 business, business development and communications professionals from various industries. The guest speakers are Cybercom Group, Frösunda and Pågen. The event is free of charge.

Oslo, Nov 27th 2014

The event is held in Norwegian and English with the theme of “Better Business Communication with Online Video”.

The venue, The Finnish Embassy in Oslo, has room for approximately 50 business, communications and business development professionals from various industries. The guest speakers are KPMG and Gjensidigestiftelsen. The event is free of charge.