Dream Broker Mentioned in Media, as Reliable Communication Solution Provider
Posted on: March 15, 2024|

News concerning cyber security breaches of communications between German military officers in recent weeks, is a timely reminder of increasing secure communication challenges in the current geopolitical climate. These cyber security challenges have sparked more interest and conversations regarding cyber secure communication solutions in the media.
Digital IT publication Tivi published an article on 14.03.2024 based on an interview with Mika Ahokas, CEO, Dream Broker and Sami Siekkinen, CTO, Dream Broker.
For well over a decade, Dream Broker has been tenaciously developing its cyber secure communication software offering and serving the ever-growing customer base with easy to use, yet cyber secure and fully compliant software products, helping its customers communicate in fun, natural and productive way with video.
Since the early days of its over 15-year history, Dream Broker has chosen to create a unique communication software platform based in Finland, Europe, instead of taking advantage of the more commonly used public cloud platforms. In the design and development work it has followed principles such as secure by design and privacy by design, helping to create a platform and software that can be trusted with the most confidential communication. While being governed by Finnish law, there are no requirements for making backdoors for intelligence operators, paving the way for comprehensive protection measures encompassing even the maintenance workers.
Today over 1000 customer organisations have chosen Dream Broker as their provider. Amongst these, are a few demanding security and privacy-oriented organisations who have scrutinised and evaluated Dream Broker, choosing this privately-owned and independent company as their partner. Dream Broker has complemented this by conducting annual security auditing and testing with its partner, KPMG. Most recently, they have tested our latest product, Dream Broker #One, without finding any vulnerabilities.
Europe has largely been dependent on the communication software solutions from outside the EU. But now more relevant than ever, Europe requires a European alternative of its own. Dream Broker as a cyber security oriented and independent European provider, combined with compliancy fulfilling European platform, has created communication software, which would not have suffered breaches, as those recently portrayed in the media.
As mentioned in our press release on 07.11.2023, Dream Broker #One is the cyber secure true alternative. A true-blue European solution.
Additional information:
CEO, Mika Ahokas, Dream Broker Ltd, Tel. +358 40 583 7782, mika.ahokas@dreambroker.fi
CTO, Sami Siekkinen, Dream Broker Ltd, Tel. +358 40 516 4490, sami.siekkinen@dreambroker.fi
PR & Communications: Alexandra Taimitarha, Dream Broker Ltd, Tel. +358 40 410 8188, alexandra.taimitarha@dreambroker.fi
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