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At Dream Broker, our people are our greatest strength. Diversity is essential for building a successful company. Our uncompromised values have been a part of our journey since the very beginning. Meet the team of passionate experts who have grown together with the company.

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Mika Ahokas

Chief Executive Officer

Mika Ahokas is the President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Dream Broker Corporation and Companies. Since the founding of the company, Mr. Ahokas has supported the company as an investor and an advisor. Before his current position at Dream Broker, Mr. Ahokas operated as a specialist, chief executive, entrepreneur and investor in growth companies within the software industry. After accomplishing military police training in the Special Forces unit of the Finnish mili...
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Management Team

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Sami Siekkinen

Chief Technology Officer

Mr. Siekkinen acts as the Chief Technology Officer. His responsibility is to ensure that the software development work, and architecture and technology choices support Dream Broker’s strategy and vision. Mr. Siekkinen has almost two decades of experience in software product engineering, development, architecture and maintenance. Mr. Siekkinen holds...
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Kaisa Sippola

Chief Financial Officer

Ms. Sippola acts as CFO. Sippola is responsible for the company’s finances. This includes the company’s financing and financial resources, reporting and analysis of financial figures, accounting, cash flow management, investments, acquisitions, tax and regulatory reporting, and the company’s financial risk management. She has worked at Dream Broke...