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Dream Broker’s Breakfast Seminar in Stockholm in November

Posted on: October 7, 2013|

Dream Broker organizes its second breakfast seminar in Stockholm, Waterfront Building the 6th November from 8:00 to 10:30. The seminar begins with an update to the opportunities the online video revolution offers to businesses, and also gives a view to how two of our customers are using online video to develop their businesses.

Lars Leonardsson from Deloitte will tell about the goals their company has set for online videos, and Anna-Karin Holmkvist, from Deloitte as well, will focus more on the ways Deloitte works with our software. Furthermore, Henriette Fuhr Blix from Agria Djurförsäkring will present the reasons and goals why their company has started to work with online video.

Please sign up for our seminar here!