Dream Band Performing at the FirmaRock Finals!
DB Spirit is the heart and soul of our company culture, and one of its concrete embodiments is our very own Dream Band.
The seven members of the band, hailing from our very own Dream Team, perform roughly three times a year in the annually organized FirmaRock competitions.
The fun, social events arranged around the band’s concerts, combined with the band’s video blog, give us employees the chance to get together, enjoy good times and concentrate on having fun.
Dream Band’s passion has become a permanent part of DB Culture, and their music… well, you can make your own judgments after watching the video above!
Next time you can see them performing at the FirmaRock finals at Apollo Live Club, Helsinki on Friday 25th of October 2013.
Dream Band’s performance getting filmed with Dream Broker’s Windows Phone App during the 2013 FirmaRock semifinals.